White Wolf eSports e.V. ist eine deutsche Multigaming-Organisation und eingetragener eSport Verein mit Sitz in Augsburg.
Bei uns findest du eine große, familiäre Community und professionelle eSport-Teams. Du suchst nur jemanden zum daddeln und quatschen? Komm vorbei!
Du suchst Action und ein einzigartiges eSport-Erlebnis? Komm vorbei und tritt einem unserer eSport-Teams bei oder nehmen an unseren monatlichen Tournaments teil.
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Gamin Kings is a discord where people from all countries can connect
and play together. We are a professional discord that loves to see new people connect
and play. Our moderation team is very helpful so if you need any assistance feel free to
ask our moderation team.
Servidorzin massa daorinha muto bacana, sim isso precisa ter 100 caracteres então aqui vai algumas palavras a mais, uau muito interessante isso com certeza n é igual a descrição
Gaming Discord made for finding teammates and winning games!
If you play one of these games use the command in #bot-spam : !gmod !csgo !madden !fortnite !victoria2
Enjoy winning!
A server with one goal in mind, to bring everyone together! At the moment, the people aspect is mildly lacking, so I wish to gain as many friendly people as possible. The server is only gonna grow from here! Make sure to join to when it blows up, you'll have a high rank!