Welcome to Literature Cafe!
We are an on-topic reading and writing server, focused mainly on genres like, literary fiction, historical fiction, classic fiction, slice of life, and anything in the realistic fiction realm.
What we offer:
- Wring critique
- Writing competitions
- Book suggestions
- Serverwide book of the month reading
- Literature discussion
- Many opportunities to make friends
Здравствуй! Этот сервер целиком посвящен литературе: русской и зарубежной; нон-фикшн книгам, художественным произведениям и другим текстовым форматам. Здесь ты сможешь рассказать про книжки, понравившиеся тебе, и обсудить любимых авторов. Также участники сервера выбирают лучшие книги для совместного чтения и делятся впечатлениями во время и после того, как прочитали.
Добро пожаловать!
Just a bunch of Christian book nerds chatting about books, philosophy, poetry, fiction, and more. Fun, friendly, and open-minded. We foster charitable discussion on all types of literature and writing and welcome both Christians and non-Christians.
A community of book lovers, we read multiple books together monthly as well as just talk about our favorite authors and genres. Multiple authors present who enjoy talking to their fans. Everyone is welcome!
Official Discord server for /r/WritingHub, where writers connect! Come chat in real-time with other writers and join our growing community. We offer a variety of weekly discussions and challenges to help our members become the best writers they can be!
a safe haven for literature enthusiasts, a server gathering creators, storytellers, writers, authors, readers, etc., from all around the world into one place.