It's a fun roleplay server where you pick an area on the earth map or the moon AND EVEN MARS. You can meet a lot of nice people, and everyone accepts you for who you are. And it's an amazing server to be in. You can even share your own personal hobbies that don't have to do with the server like YouTube/TikTok videos, video game development, art, and much more. They have a full working shop, you can start wars and be the best country ever. make your own flag. make friends. This Is The World RP Sever
Providence Brotherhood is a global domination force/secret society for the world's elite. Providence wishes to accommodate and secure a safe way of life for those of whom control the world as "True Aristocrats." Providence also dedicates itself to the pursuit of higher knowledge in all ways and aspects. Respecting order, religion and science as not just tools but ways of life.
What we offer:
𝐈 •︎︎ A new, active community. Looking for members to help us build a powerful brotherhood of truth-seekers and like-minded individuals.
𝐈𝐈 • An extensive and unique lore. With the ability for the larpers to change the outcome of certain events.
𝐈𝐈𝐈 • Freed up space in the brotherhood for new members, military, political etc.
𝐈𝐕 • An aesthetic, ever growing server layout and roles. Over 100+ roles included.
𝐕 • This server is also open to chess players, and generally "nerds" to who want to discuss that sort of thing.
𝐕𝐈 • Open positions for an active staff.
Welcome to The Munk Squad! This is a community discord for fans of AATC from any generation!
Anybody is welcome to join us
We have channels for all 3 eras of the Munks so anyone is welcome.
We also have plenty of roleplay channels for those that are into that!
Come and share your love of the chipmunks with us with our various art sharing channels. These not exclusively for artwork, any form of media is welcome from music to voice acting!
Hope to see you there!
Wir sind ein Rollenspiel-Server, bei dem ihr nach euren eigenen Vorstellungen RPs schreiben könnt. Außerdem bieten wir ein XP-System und Server-Ränge, themenspezifische Channels für eure Hobbies wie Gaming oder Filme und natürlich nette Leute zum Kennenlernen.
Schaut mal vorbei, wir freuen uns schon auf euch :)
────────── ⋆⋅ 『「SERVIDOR DOS DOG BROTHER」』 ⋅⋆ ──────────
o『「SERVIDOR DOS DOG BROTHER」』 é Um Servidor de Interação e Comunidade. Feito Para Meninos e Meninas,Nele você Pode Fazer Novas Amizades e Conversar aproveite!
O que temos no servidor?
?️・ Bots para sua diversão
?・ Vantagens de boost
?・ Vips
?・ Servidor organizado
?・ Parcerias sempre abertas
?・ Sorteios e eventos
?・ Vagas na staff
?・ Varias cores
Welcome to The Anime Empire™?
Gamers, Anime-Fans, Roleplayers, this community caters for them all.
Come check out the ambience around our server, we hope to create a friendly and diverse environment for anyone to enjoy, we all love anime!
We also host giveaways and events every week or two, you can just come over, talk, laugh, make friends and Have fun!
Since you've read till here, hope to see ya at our hangout
™Hydrotopia is the Server for you if you search for a place to hang out with friend's, listen to Music and get Daily updated Game Infos, Event's and matchups.
Also, if you'r bored, we would love if you would try some of our Server Games.