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Hi! Welcome to our server where you can find free png and gif avatars, banners for Discord. You can also find pepo, pandas and cats emotes and much more! The server is in English and Polish.
Hej! Witam Cię na naszym serwerze gdzie znajdziesz darmowe awatary png i gif, banery do Discorda. U nas znajdziesz też emotki pepo, pand i kotów oraz wiele więcej! Serwer prowadzony w języku angielskim i polskim.
A server made featuring tons of megaman emotes made using the base of various arts from official sources and fan material photoshopped with new faces, lineart, color, and other body parts! All for you to enjoy!
When you are reading this you are probably wounding should I join this discord server or not? Well I will answer that question for you if you want a discord server that is chill, relaxed and has lots of friendly people well this is a discord server for you.