🤖 Μερικά Bot Features 🤖
📊 Server Stats και με γραφήματα
✅ Verification System
🎫 Ticket System
📞 Προσωρινά Κανάλια
❌ Warning System
🎁 Giveaways
🤖 AI Chatbot
🎶 Music System
💹 XP System
⛅ Weather System
🛡️Auto Moderation
📝 Server Logs
🎨 Reaction Roles
🪀 Auto react σε μηνύματα
⭐ Reviews
🛒The place to be for Claims & Boosts
Get your claims here cheap & reliable
1 - 9 Nitro claims = $0.75c each
10+ Nitro claims = $0.50c each ($5 for 10 claims)
Server Boosts
4, 3 Month Server Boosts = $3.75
6, 3 Month Server Boosts = $6.50
8, 3 Month Server Boosts = $9.75
14, 3 Month Server Boosts = $12
Join and open a ticket to get yours
Type !cookie to add a cookie to your server's cookie jar, and get the most cookies!
You can type !help to see all the bot functions. It's a super simple game where you just click to add a cookie, then you can check how many cookies your server has!
Easy peasy. - Also, join our support server (or go to our linktree) to get help or see our projects!
Thank you for using this wonderfully simple and stupid game bot!
# Xyz Store (melhor loja)
✨💸(Vendemos bots de r*id e outros, vá em estoque)
(Compartilhamos APK de apps)
Temos atendimento 24/7 quase frequentemente até às 23/22
E também vamos ter canal de divulgação em breve!💸✨
# De graça!!