For all silkroad fan Community
Please read the following rules carefully! It's for everyone's benefit and helps make this a great place to hang out
Be friendly and always show respect to everyone, regardless of their role.
1- Do not insult anyone on the server.
2- Do not post spam or personal information to anyone without consent.
3- No hate speech. Attacks on a person / group based on race or sexual orientation.
4- Don't spam or post content on the wrong Discord Channels.
5- Don't tag people frequently or unnecessarily.
6- There are no links or posts that may contain pornographic, racist or harassing content
7- There are no ads randomly if you want DM
8- Do not advertise any content (whether it is your own or someone else's).
Discord server calls
9- There is no Assistant with us in our community, I am alone, if you want any advertisement or post, go talk to me
Discord ZoneGaming Community Link :discord: :