The world is growing

with our dm crisis averted, our players have been requesting games, and some things should be made clear. there have been some updates and I feel I should state them for your knowledge, We allow the griffons saddlebag 2 something most west marches wouldn't touch (3rd party content) is allowed on server, and freely provided with campaigns,

on top of that, we've opened up with our game request system, so any half or full dm, (that is what we call out trial dms, half dms mostly because their still learning in a lot of cases) what we allow homebrew as well, for every one to submit, not just for staff But ANYONE who has a character on server, can submit homebrew. now I should probably cover what is and isn't allowed for 3rd party content,

what is outright banned: Lord of the rings Dungeons of Drakkenhiem Rick and Morty Minecraft mostly for not fitting the setting

What is Allowed: Critical Role, Humblewood, Grim Hollow, Kobold Press,(mostly you'd have to check to find out) MCDM, The Griffon’s Saddlebag (book two specifically)

we do have a few items not listed on our banned list this is just a general over view, but for that info you need to join us, and see the world we've built, maybe even help build it with us.