Welcome to our Political Party. If you want to learn more about our party, you can join our server and read the channels below "[INFORMATION]" in order to learn more about us. As if right now, we do not accept new members into the party itself until further notice, but the discord server is fully public for anyone and everyone.
We are a server with over 600 members that talk about all kinds of things. From the trending anime shows or manga series, to the newest gaming or music news! You're also free to join just to chill and enjoy the community. Welcome to Fallen World!
Our server is a small community with a big heart for anime, but thats not everything! We support our members & we do not condone any toxic, vulgar or racist behaviour!
We have dedicated channels for manga, games & waifu hunting! Feel free to join us before we watch another seasonal without you!
We're a community for Ricincakes Twitch channel! We are fans of anime and all kinds of games. We are partnered with Imouri (Japanese street-wear) and FiXT records. We Have community dedicated channels from sharing art to day to day life! We also have game giveaways and merch giveaways! Come join today <3
Welcome to Chillend! I'm the server's owner, Tarō and I made this server in hope people would have a nice place to meet and talk to each other, be it new people or friends they already know! This might be a small server but I hope one day it'll be full of all kinds of people, talking normally and chilling.
* ☆ Hello friends! * ☆
Welcome to my dumb and weird server! I recommend you all to join~ there's a lot of friends you can chat with! Also you can invite your friend to join too! There's a lot of bots activities/anime channels etc..
Pls be mindful and read the rules before you chat with other people!
* ☆ I maybe need some active admin/mod application if you people are active pls dm me and why you wanted to apply as an admin/mod * ☆
* ☆ there is a nsfw but its in a channel so you pervs don't send any lewd things in general ? * ☆
* ☆ hope you enjoy this awesome server! ❤ * ☆