Welcome to Epic Meme Squad.
We are just a new meme server that needs active members. You can get ranked by reaching different levels within the server. Gain levels by chatting, and hanging out with others.
que ofrecemos?
[😂]buenos momos
[🗣️] diversos canales
[👮] staff (no) activo
[🤖] diversos bots
[👾] y mucha diversion!
Unete ya a L.A.A.F.!
a pretty good server if you want to get meme'd out of your mind and not just for that, i want to make it so you don't get that much pings so I'm gonna do less announcements
Acest server este un server mic in cautare de membrii. Suntem o comunitate de oameni cu bun simt. Intre noi suntem ca niste prieteni indiferent de gradele pe care le avem:>
Join The Bone Zone!
We are a growing sever for a more relaxed experience. Just a group of buddies looking for new peeps to chat with.
- memes
- art
- nsfw
- music
- chat
- media
- slow chat
- levelling system
- custom bot
- server-to-server texting
- lax moderation
- 80+ emotes
Give us a join and invite your friends.