- Game bots
- NSFW channels available
- Roles to set your own pings / channels
- Crazy fun bunch people!
-Regular game nights and movie nights
-a wholesome and non toxic community and lgbtq+ friendly
-a minecraft server active on weekends
-a loads of other fun activies to participate in!
* one of the most active osu communities! *
we're a community of osu players just looking to have fun. with giveaways, events, and more, you'll never be bored here!
Mina-san konnichiwa, <Anime Mafia> H|NA|Herod here looking for new bakas in their ranks, it doesn't matter if you’re old or a new, we don't have many rules as long as you're able to endure a few funposters! Make sure to read the pin when you join in desu~