Server is A DECEIIT2 community server but has a recruitment center for DARKMATTER GAMING⭐️❗️❗️FOR A CHANCE TO BE APART OF SOMETHING BIGGER THEN YOU ❗️With A lot of near future giveaways⭐️ RESPECTING all people IS KEY 🔑 We want to get a Chance to connect with you ⭐️ LOOKING FOR EVERYDAY GAMERS OR JUST PEOPLE WHO POST HIGHLIGHTS ❗️ OR EVEN CONTENT ⭐️ WE WANT TO SEE YOUR CREATIONS ❗️❗️ SERIOUSLY ⭐️Prize AT 50 MEMBERS ⭐️⭐️⭐️
A nice place to hang out, find out information for various gaming systems and play some D&D. Catch up with friends and making new ones in a game or our West Marches in the server.
people will get all sort of help here even if tehy are new we will teach then how to use discord and there are no limitions here boosters and members will be treated the same
Drift Playground is a San Andreas Multiplayer (SA:MP) drift server with a custom, hand-made gamemode offering lots of unique ways to spend your time. Come, join us!
#1 sever for chatting talking about games a sever might be small but were always online any complaints send it to hr . we have so many ranks its crazy but it is hard to get a rank above seniour trainer as you have to do a exam we have a 18+ section for any inapropite beheviour
The Game Corner is a user friendly server who strives to provide endless hours of communication. You get a DAILY chance to get 6 master balls while trying your hand at facing our gym league. We do provide a genning service on the side for those who may be interested. We are open for ideas and take everything the community says into consideration. We hope to see you soon.
"Kratos" is a 20x 6 man tribe International server with few mods(SS,Solo Farm Mod, Shop, Arkomatic, ...) and with the following Clusters: Ragnarok/Extinction/Aberration/The Island/The Center/Valguero!!
Level up flyers speed stat