Wat is WachterV?
WachterV is een Nederlandstalige beveiligings- en moderatietool voor Discord-servers die dezelfde functionaliteiten biedt als het originele Warden-project (dat in het Engels is geschreven). Het doel van WachterV is om Discord-beheerders te voorzien van de nodige tools om hun server te beschermen, te beheren en te modereren, door automatisering van taken en het blokkeren van schadelijke invloeden.
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Automatically scan your community content and make it searchable via popular search engines such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo.
A great way to make your discord community more accessible and searchable, and to preserve knowledge for your community.
Visit https://www.scrollsbot.com to get started.
A place for all 3D Printing enthusiasts from all walks of life, and knowledge levels to get to know each other and share a common love and joy for 3D Printing.
Don't have a printer? You are welcome to chat and participate! Who knows, you might even get a printer of your own!
I am a bot that will notify you when theres severe issues with any members, maybe troublesome members, or who knows what.
I do collect ban histories!
just setup everything with the `/setglobalban <on/off>` and `/setstaffchannel` command!