New Feature - Reaction Roles
Reaction roles have been added, which can only be set up by admins from each server using the command /setup_reaction_role [channel] [title] [description] [emoji_role_pairs]
channel: The channel where the message with the reaction roles will be sent.
title/description: The title of the message and the content of the message.
emoji_role_pairs: The emoji and the role that each user will receive by reacting to it. Each option is separated by a comma. Example: 🟡: @role, 🔴: @role
P.S. You can also use custom emojis as long as your emojis are on your server and not from a different one. If you want to include a custom emoji, it should be entered in "emoji_role_pairs" in the following format: <:emoji:emoji_id>, and the only thing you need to change is the emoji_id, where you should insert the ID of the corresponding custom emoji. To find it, just right-click on it and select "copy ID."
The same applies if the emoji is animated; it should just be in the format <a:emoji:emoji_id>.