Hello! We have opened our division manager elections for the second time! Feel free to join and participate in the elections.
Artistic Reality is a community server built around collaboration, sharing art, and receiving art help!
In it, you'll be able to work with your fellow artists, musicians, and writers to create pieces of media together in our Open Virtual Studio (OVS).
The OVS offers community-directed projects to work on, things like short stories, novels, comics, and even animation!
Not interested in collaboration? That's okay! Artistic Reality offers many channels to showcase and get help with your art from our very own Dedicated Art Helpers!
We also have a lot of fun systems to get your creative juices flowing, such as the battle system where you get to challenge another member to an art fight!
We also host fun seasonal events such as "Artistic Secret Santa"!
By joining Artistic Reality and our OVS, you'll get the opportunity to work alongside other creatives on projects that will improve your skill and give you experience, sounds good? Then Join Now!
Hello! We have opened our division manager elections for the second time! Feel free to join and participate in the elections.
The event is here!
Hello artists! The prompt art event is finally here! You'll have one week to prepare, then an additional two weeks to submit!
Submissions and voting dates are listed in the event screen!
Remember the prizes! ? | $10 Discord Nitro (2 boosts included!) & Artistic Honor for a month as well as 5k AR & AC (XP and currency) ? | Artistic Honor for a month as well as 3k AR & AC ? | 2k AR & AC
Dates and more information here: https://discord.gg/AcNVvrDEV8?event=1054128368343330817
Given that our new events system is ready, this will be our first event to celebrate! Your prompt is landscsape!
? Gets Artistic Honor for a month!
? Gets 10000
AC & 2000
? Gets 2000
AC (server currency)
Everyone else gets a participation award of 500
Dates and times are listed in the events tab! Join now to participate!