Dr. Katz's Office is a server with two main purposes. We aim to provide a place for struggling mental health and people with addiction issues to gather, vent and discuss what they're going through. Our second purpose is to provide a place for general discussion, a focus on sharing and discussing movies, tv, music and more.
We have specific roles setup so that anyone who wants to join only for the movies and general discussion is free to do so. You will not see any of the struggler channels. Likewise if you want to join and only have access to the mental health and/or addict sections, you can do so. Bringing drama to our neutral, fun focused channels will not be tolerated.
We have multiple users who regularly stream movies, tv and more for anyone to join and enjoy. If you stream movies and the like, feel free to share your streams on our server to potentially build your audience.
Read the rules and be mindful. We're very excited to finally go public.