Are you looking for a growing and friendly ? Bloons TD 6 ? Community?
A Place to chill and make new friends with other dedicated BTD players.
Or learn more about the game and find new ways and strategies to destroy those pesky bloons?
Then this is the perfect for you!
We have Server and BTD6 related roles that you can collect. Play Co-op games. And share user challenges.
We have the best racers in our server. And we play every odysseys!
We are also supported by a growing YouTube channel with new guides and tutorials every week!
✨ Co-op
✨ Odysseys
✨ Races
✨ User Challenges
✨ Make new friends
✨ Guides & Tutorials
What are you waiting for. Join Today!
a btd6 discord server, its main purpose is to get btd6 players together, host some events maybe and make it easier to find coop teammates at your skill level but the main project will be the website, its not ready yet but we will start working on it very soon...
we want to create a good btd6 community so come and help us!
Du magst BTD6 und suchst deutsche mitspieler?
Dann komme auf diesen kleinen netten Server.
Wir suchen alle Spieler, egal wie hoch der skill ist.
Hoffentlich gefällt es euch!
Server for Bloons TD Battles clan BNG. Join if you are looking for a clan or just want to hangout! We got Tournaments information and are very active! once we get more members we might start doing giveaways.
❗New Satisfactory 1.0 Server!❗
-Community Game Nights!
-Find people to play games like Pokemon, Factorio, BTD6, Overwatch 2, and Minecraft.
-Support and get exclusive access to a Supporter only Multiplayer Server, Early access to my videos, Emojis, and much more!
Here you can download BTD 5 in Dutch (Nederlands). Bloons TD 5 is not released in the Dutch language. But with the instructions on the channels you can get the Dutch version of it. You always can edit it if you have Notepad or a other text editor software. You also can get a replaced English.xml to change the descriptions to the descriptions which they are in BTD5 Flash.