(Turkish Server) Hello! This is a PixMap.fun server.
You can have fun here and talk with people.
We have so much channels and bots.
You can have fun using them.
Have fun!
Hello ,
Our country is based on Kingdom of Angmar from Lord of the Rings.
If you didn't watched Lord of the Rings/Hobbit , it doesn't matter , we accept anyone
This is the official globalpixel kazakh server, it's here!
Wherever your from or whatever religion you follow, you are always welcome here, any help is appreciated highly.
Thank you so much in advance
Chillpixel Rodos sunucusu kuralları ise şunlardır:
Kural 1 küfür argo kelime yasak 1 gün mute
Kural 2 cinsellik yasak 1 saat mute
Kural 3 Moderatorları rahatsız etmek 1 gün mute
Kural 4 spam flood vb. yasak 1 hafta gün mute
Kural 5 Discord çökerten gifler paylaşmak yasak 1 gün mute
Kural 6 sürekli rol istemek yasaktır 1 kere isteyin eğer devam ederse 1 gün mute
Kural 7 Irkçılık yapmak yasaktır 1 hafta mute
Kural 8 18+ olanlar küçüklere saygılı olsun olmayan olursa 1. olarak 1 hafta mute 2. kez olursa ban