Welcome to political discourse done right; an open forum and community for any kind of conversation, debate, or just hanging out, where civility is our top priority.
Crave intellectual discourse beyond the mainstream? Conspiracy Chat welcomes you.
Engage in thought-provoking discussions on diverse mysteries, from historical enigmas to cutting-edge government programs. ️ We cultivate a community of respectful critical thinkers, fueled by curiosity and a thirst for understanding.
Explore CT resources, challenge assumptions, and build connections with fellow truth-seekers.
New members are always welcome.
A political server designed for two-way, respectful, bipartisan debate and discussion on politics and current events. We have been on Discord for two years, and have developed a great community that is able to come together and find common ground in a unqiuely diverse, civil, and non-toxic place!
Olá caro cidadão,
Se você procura um lugar para debater assuntos de política, questões sociais e sobre os problemas que existem no Brasil e no mundo, entre para a Arena do Galo, neste servidor você poderá conversar com as pessoas de tudo que vêm em mente sobre política e tals, você poderá ficar tranquilo que suas opiniões, pensamentos e ideias serão respeitadas sem excessão.
The official Discord for the r/Anime_Titties. For discussing all things geopolitics, or just to hang out. Outside of specified channels, this is a SFW server.
Political Heathens is where discussion is done right; be it political, intellectual, causal or whatever you can imagine!! We are a community where any topic of discussions can take place in a way where your opinion is valued and heard; whether it be serious/sensitive discussion topics, debates, just hanging out chitchatting or even a bit of shit talking while gaming!! All walks of life are welcome. We also offer many fun bot features such as games, custom server currency to play around with and much much more!!