Olá caro cidadão,
Se você procura um lugar para debater assuntos de política, questões sociais e sobre os problemas que existem no Brasil e no mundo, entre para a Arena do Galo, neste servidor você poderá conversar com as pessoas de tudo que vêm em mente sobre política e tals, você poderá ficar tranquilo que suas opiniões, pensamentos e ideias serão respeitadas sem excessão.
The P.e.r.s.p.e.c.t.i.v.e. is an awesome general discussion/philosophy server where we welcome *ALL* opinions and seek to achieve changing *our* opinions - not the opinions of others!
Next election: 25th April 2020. A server to discuss politics, whether it's Irish or from abroad A Mock Parliament, meant to simulate a less formal version of the actual Irish Oireachtas Join Parties, Run for Elections, Govern, Introduce reform to make Ireland the place you want it to be.
"Now, more than ever."
Our vision is to make every member's voices heard and valued and to forever alter the current political landscape. Whether that is through engaging debates, peitions, or through online events - we ask that you join us in this journey out of the darkness.
"Politics, Progress, Purpose."
Quanta is a political, philosophical, and scientific debate center. People from all views are welcomed to bring their ideas to the server. You can work to refine your own beliefs or try and refine others.