Le meilleur serveur du monde car il est fait par les DNB
Un Staff actif et l'écoute
-Un serveur avec mise à jour régulière
-Mapping inédit
-Des véhicules importées
-Des entreprises qui recherchent des patrons et/ou des employés.
-Des gangs disponibles et inedit
-Des Jobs inédits avec plusieurs factions différentes
-Pleins d'autres choses à découvrir.
-32 slots
We are a small community and still growing:
We are mostly a Minecraft server that offers aspects such as:
- Participating in this addon's development
- Creating content for this addon
- Discussing this addon
- Sharing suggestions for this addon
- Memes
- Self roles
- Giveaways
- And a lot more!
Our members consist of:
- Team Goat
- Team Axolotl
- Team Frog
- Team Camel
- Team Sniffer
Join today: https://discord.gg/H7pJZBgatx
This is a rocket league server
And we also have a Minecraft and fifa chat if the server is dead don’t leave and go talk in it with other people and invite your friends to grow the server
Thx for reading
Cya in the server bye
A new Roblox Executor, same level as Zorara, I (the owner) will be active in the server talking with any members asking questions in the talk channel.
We specialize in games
Helping channel owners on Twitch.. We help you make live broadcasts in the best way.. We solve problems for you
Devices dedicated to games.. We help you with everything related to Bitrate and quality.. We have special servers for live broadcasts on the Twitch platform in partnership with the Restream servers.. If you have to enter, you will be fine. نحن متخصصون في الالعاب
ومساعدة اصحاب القنوات على التويتش .. نساعدكم على جعل البثوث المباشره بأفضل صوره .. نحل لكم مشاكل
الاجهزة المخصصه للالعاب .. نساعدكم بكل مايخص البيت ريت والجودات .. وتتوفر لدينا سيرفرات خاصه للبثوث المباشره على منصة تويتش بالشراكه مع سيرفرات ريستريم .. اللي عليكم تدخلوا وفالكم طيب