Produce Camp 2021, or officially known as CHUANG 2021, is a Chinese male group survival reality show premiered on Tencent Video on February 17, 2021. The show brings 90 male trainees from different countries and agencies, in order to form an 11-member international boy group through global viewers' votes.
This is the unofficial Discord server to discuss about this show.
Pink Kissū Entertainment is a vibrant and engaging community that merges the worlds of Japanese pop culture and online gaming. This group primarily operates on the Discord platform, where members gather to share their passion for J-Pop (Japanese Pop music) and participate in various activities related to dance and performance. The group also utilizes Roblox, a popular online game platform, to create immersive experiences that allow members to express their creativity through dance.
Welkom op DutchBlackpinkFans! Deze server is bedoeld voor Nederlandse Blackpink fans om samen te chatten en het gezellig te hebben. Veel plezier hier! Op onze server: -kun je chatten met Nederlandse Blinks -Verkopen en kopen van blackpink gerelateerde spullen. -Praten met Nederlandse Blinks in voice chat. -Blackpink cards ruilen -Blackpink art en memes uploaden
Official Discord Server of Rap YouTuber Hip-Hop Universe. This is a community for Old School and New School Hip-Hop Enthusiasts.
⭐│Daily Hip-Hop News
⭐│Hip-Hop Hot Takes!
⭐│Entertainment Only Chat
⭐│General Chat
⭐│Hip-Hop Related Art, Iconic Photos & Album Covers
⭐│Music Listening Parties
⭐│Tier Lists
⭐│Custom Polls Chat
⭐│Album Reviews
⭐│Pets and Food Channels.
⭐│Dozens of exclusive Hip-Hop related Emojis
⭐│VIP Channels for Server Boosters
🌟│Direct discussion with YouTuber Hip-Hop Universe (1.4 Million Subscribers)
KP ENT. is a server that involve kpop, gaming, and anime. But the server is mainly including K-pop! Any language is allowed here! Have fun and enjoy your stay?✨