Cheap Discord Bot Hosting!
Host Discord bots + other projects (nodejs, python, and more!),
Give free plans, offering more resources for only $5 per month!
We're SFTP Friendly and Game Servers are coming soon!
This sever was created for everyone wants to learn any language about coding even if they don't know coding they will be taught coding if they have interest in it so this server is for every one who has some space of there life for coding I hope you guys like this server
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer l'ouverture de notre serveur discord Secret Heberg. C'est la 3 éme, fois qu'on refait ce projet commencer il y a 2 ans avec ROSCA, Le Geek01, et LeMaître4523.
Ici, vous aurez toutes les informations concernant l'état de nos serveurs, et toute forme d'annonce concernant Secret Heberg.