Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels!
Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Thousands of members with non-stop active channels focused on anything from general conversation to anime and manga! With a dedicated community and lots of amazing custom features, you're bound to find something you enjoy!
Server features:
Tons of self-assignable color roles!
Plenty of bots for playing games, info, and music!
Multiple voice channels for listening to music or playing your own!
We have a vendor's section!
More to come in the days ahead!
This is a server for everyone who is going to any Miku EXPO Europe 2024 location! Connect with others who are going to the same concert locations and chat! This server makes it easy to meet other Miku EXPO Europe attendees, discuss, and make friends!
Um servidor para entretenimento, para conversar com as pessoas, ouvir musicas, ganhar novos cargos ou cargos Vips, sempre atualizando assim que possível, para saber novos animes em lançamento, jogos grátis de diversas plataformas, lembretes, rádio, lofi, economia, memes, ícones e etc.