Congratulations to our top voters who earned a Free Rank or Mystery Crates in January! Details:
<> Vote everyday for a month and receive CyanWarrior for free. This is yours forever. <> The 2nd month that you vote the full month, you’ll receive CyanKnight for free. <> The 3rd month that you vote the full month, you’ll receive CyanGod for free. In order to keep CyanKnight or CyanGod for free, you must continue to vote the full month. At anytime you can pay for either rank with the appropriate discount and keep it forever. Otherwise you’ll be ranked down one rank at a time until you reach CyanWarrior again. <> CyanGod’s get 15 mystery crates for being a top voter.
These rules are for Cyan Skyblock. Prison rules are similar (the prison server is in the middle of a very large update and reset).
Top Voters for January 2021 (Congrats and awesome job!!!): Skyblock Rank MujeeBMohD Crates Twee6904 Crates XxShaNxXplays Crates TheRabidOstrich Crates Sallaf Sallaf GastricTrack280 Crates Adelgamer015 Knight RaMbo3903839 Warrior The_Tara_Tank Warrior XxLuciferzxX Warrior Jamithei666 Warrior growingmanprinc Knight NINJAMARIO56 Crates BigChungus21220 Crates Ancienttaffy Warrior minimunchkin127 Crates AmaanRockers Crates CoatedGecko1027 God ShrinkingDaisy1 Crates GamerZoe630 Crates FriedYardBird Crates BruhhUwU Crates Cerealhorse4805 Crates
Servers: Cyan Skyblock---> (many custom features, items, plugins, etc) play.euphmc.net 19154
Euphoria Prison---> Server is open but being updated and reset in the very near future. New spawn, new warzone with mining, plus much more. play.euphmc.net 19137
Euphoria Bedrock Corona Season 27 The Lemoning SMP---> Whitelisted Survival Bedrock Vanilla server. You must join discord and put your name in the "whitelist-c27tl" channel.
Euphoria original Vanilla Bedrock---> (Realm like server, whitelist only via Discord) play.euphmc.net 19134