Hi, welcome!
We are a server created so you can find people to study 1-on-1 with . :)
You can check out our #find-a-study-partner section to post an ad so you can find people to do 25 min and 50 min poms, etc with. Or just to find people to hold each other accountable.
Join today and enjoy!
THIS SERVER MAY NOT BE FOR EVERYONE. If you do not like Occult research, Paganism, Rodnovery/Druidism, Spirit research, or subverted info in general, do not join!
**The Study League: Your Path to Success!**
*Need a place to grow your study skills and improve your grades? Join The Study League and level up your learning experience!
**What We Offer:**
• ︱📚 All Subjects (Study materials for every subject)
• ︱💻 Study Sessions & Pomodoro Timer
• ︱🧠 Resources, Tips, & Bots (Including AI to assist with learning)
• ︱🎯 Productivity & Focus Tools
• ︱📢 Self-Promotion Channel
• ︱🎉 Events & Contests
• ︱✏️ Help & Ask for Homework Assistance
• ︱📑 Notion Templates
**What We’re Looking For:**
• ︱👥 Active Members
• ︱💼 Staff
• ︱🤝 Partners
• ︱🚀 Boosters
**Join Us and Study Smarter with The Study League!**
Ce serveur est un serveur RP Collège ! Nous avons des prof de toute les matière, des surveillants ( AED ) et des CPE. Nous faisons des cours de toutes les matière et on a des emploie du temps pour chaque classe ! Si tu veux être élève ou STAFF rejoint notre serveur et demande dans ticket si tu n'a pas de réponse dans les 48H qui suivent sa veux dire que ta demande a été rejeter. C'était L'équipe du Serveur COLLEGE SAINT LOUIS ( RP ). Aurevoir !
Best server for chill funny people
hangout for the funniest of discordians
Chillest place ever to be besides antarctica
Its not spelled antartica btw
it be that way
R u a smart fella ? Or a fart smella
If ur the latter DO NOT JOIN
We also work out, go to the gym, learn from each other, every subject, esoteric knowledge discussions and we share art and memes
PhilToday is a small server focused on philosophy but open to any type of discussion, no matter the subject. As long as respect is kept among every member no issues will be given. Come join us and chat!
Le but de ce serveur discord est de proposer un lieu d'échanges et d'initiation autour de l'anarchisme.
Nous sommes libertaires, anticapitalistes et résolument antifascistes. Tout le monde peut y participer, à condition de respecter les règles.