this server is dedicated to each and every wilbur soot fan. due to controversy, we have a verification system put in place! we support **kind** shelby supporters. we're all kind and make sure to care for everyone! we don't allow toxicity in the environment, and our mods make sure to keep a good eye!
Gotta join to find out whats inside, its a secret............................................................................................................................................................................
vizzi discord server jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdnfgygbhgfrjhrgfhjdfjfdjhfgfjbdfhfjffgfchhfjhdfjhbbhhffghbfgfgjhfgfgjhvbjhfgjfjkdjfkjdkfjjfjkdfjfjkdkjfjkddjkfdkjdfkjfjkjdfkjfdkjdfkjkjfjfdkjfdjdkjfdkjfkfdkfdkdfkjdfjdkjkddfdkfjdkfjdkfjkjkddffjjjkkkdkdkdkjfjfjfkjfjkfkjfsjdfdjjdfjddfdfkxfkjfdjfdkjfdkjfdjkdjkfjfjdkfdjfkjdfkdfkkdfdfjdfkdffddjfdfkjkddfsfdjkdfffjfkjkfjkfjfjkjddjkdjkfjkdfjdjfkdffdfkjfjkdf
Este discord ha sido creado para la Comunidad de Pikachu, compartir un espacio juntos para poder jugar a diversos juegos.
También se harán Sorteos dentro discord y Promociones.
Podras obtener Skins Gratis mediante los apartados de #【?】│➯?????? y #【?】│➯??????????-?????? .
Recuerda seguirme en todas las Redes Sociales para estar Informado
Welcome to President Chay's OFFICIAL Discord Server. For those of you who do not know Chay, He is a YouTuber that makes unique content unlike any other. If you are bored on a Sunday night and looking to chat after watching some fun videos by chay that you seem to not be able to get your eyes off of and feel the need to just click on another one, This is the place for you!