
The year is 1337. In a world known as Ubu, where Predator eats Prey: a continent finds itself exhausted by centuries of Eternal War. Now, the mighty forces of the Predator Territory look to destroy absolutely all that remains of their inferior Prey counterparts; enslave their children, devour their eldest, but the fight is not yet over...
Khaosa is a mixed genre of Sci-Fi Survival-Horror that places you on either side of an unending conflict! Devour and destroy feeble creatures as a mighty Predator, or rely heavily on technology and tactics to survive another night as Preykind in the unending carnage known as Khaosa! And of course, in the mix of it all, the main goal is to have fun!

⭐ Features: ⭐
-Achievements 🏅
-Customization for:
--Characters 🦸
--Groups 🚩
--Species 🐊
--Spells 🧙
-Combat 🤺
-Complex In-Depth Lore 📚
-Dice 🎲
-ERP Availability (We have guidelines!) 🔞
-Templates 🗄️
-Tupper 🤖
-Quiet Community 🤫
-And more! ✨
We now use Harpy for a lot of our roleplaying too!

About Server

The year is 1337. In a world known as Ubu, where Predator eats Prey: a continent finds itself exhausted by centuries of Eternal War. Now, the mighty forces of the Predator Territory look to destroy absolutely all that remains of their inferior Prey counterparts; enslave their children, devour their eldest, but the fight is not yet over...
Khaosa is a mixed genre of Sci-Fi Survival-Horror that places you on either side of an unending conflict! Devour and destroy feeble creatures as a mighty Predator, or rely heavily on technology and tactics to survive another night as Preykind in the unending carnage known as Khaosa! And of course, in the mix of it all, the main goal is to have fun!

⭐ Features: ⭐
-Achievements 🏅
-Customization for:
--Characters 🦸
--Groups 🚩
--Species 🐊
--Spells 🧙
-Combat 🤺
-Complex In-Depth Lore 📚
-Dice 🎲
-ERP Availability (We have guidelines!) 🔞
-Templates 🗄️
-Tupper 🤖
-Quiet Community 🤫
-And more! ✨
We now use Harpy for a lot of our roleplaying too!

Recent Posts

Advert Update

Hello, whomever may read this! For a long while, I believed that this platform's advertisement was ineffective for our server (as seemed really anything at all), but then something changed slightly, so I simply decided to update the advertisement to our modern stuff. Thanks for reading! If one would have questions feel free to hop in and stuff!

Now Listed

GREETINGS! Khaosa has just been listed on this website! Although it may be a little old itself, we hope to expand our horizons to this platform in attempts to grow our community! Cheers!

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