This world encompasses the entirety of an alternative reality where a full moon creates an anomalous effect. SCP-10905, known as "Wolf's Feast" is figuratively and literally, the moon. Earth's moon, when exactly 50% of its' surface is lit by The Sun, also known as a "Full Moon", all living creatures with ocular sight will be blinded for exactly 24 hours. This effect causes a heightened risk for containment breaches, and is a period of absolute high alert. Due to those who are already blind not being affected by this anomalous effect, a significant portion of the Mobile Task Force, and of the O5 Council, are legally or otherwise fully blind.
Site 105 contains a number of well known SCP's, such as SCP-173, SCP-079, and SCP-096, with many, many others. It is a massive complex that houses theoretically the most SCP's of any one continuous structure on the planet. Your goal, whether you are an SCP, an MTF, a member of the O5 Council, or even a Chaos Insurgency Member, or a Class D, is to S