Born in 2015 to promote personal servers, Discord Me has evolved into a comprehensive platform for connecting Discord communities. Our mission is to help you find and build online communities that resonate with your interests.
Καλώς ήρθατε σε έναν καινούριο ελληνικό server για gaming.❤️ Όχι δεν είμαστε streamers αλλά μας αρέσει να παιζούμε όσο και αυτοί. Ο server δημιουργήθηκε με σκοπό την εύρεση ατόμων της ίδιας γλώσσας για να μοιραζόμαστε από κοινού την εμπειρία. Εάν έχετε κανάλι στο youtube ή στο twich και στριμάρετε ή ανεβάζετε βιντεάκια, μπορείτε να το μοιραστείτε μαζί μας χωρίς να το σπαμάρετε. Ελπίζουμε το community αυτό να μεγαλώσει και ο σκοπός του να πραγματοποιηθεί.
Olá caro cidadão,
Se você procura um lugar para debater assuntos de política, questões sociais e sobre os problemas que existem no Brasil e no mundo, entre para a Arena do Galo, neste servidor você poderá conversar com as pessoas de tudo que vêm em mente sobre política e tals, você poderá ficar tranquilo que suas opiniões, pensamentos e ideias serão respeitadas sem excessão.
We wish to gain motivated dedicated members so we can carry out plans that will lead us to gain more control to eventually take over the world to get closer to revealing more human potential, reaching a place where any desire can be obtained and problems solved, without ever worrying about anything.
A friendly pro-equality Discord focusing on issues affecting men - such as the stigma against men reporting domestic violence & rape, fighting against circumcision, and so on. We are the semi-official Discord server for r/MensRights, and work in association with NCFM. We are here to campaign for male victims of these crimes, and to raise awareness of them. We also run an almost 24/7 support service for men in crisis, and we are ready to help you if needed. Everybody is welcome to join.