**Welcome To Flare!**
*We are a small Discord server, But we intend to build a big community. And guess what?* **You're invited!**
*Now, what can we give to you, exactly? Well we* **Offer:**
**-** Nice And Helpful Staff :tools:
**-** Guess The Number :1234:
**-** Active Giveaways :gift:
**-** A Nice Community :thumbsup:
**-** Staff Applications :hammer:
**And more!**
Be sure to join us! Follow the rules, and have **FUN!**
A server with many activities, giveaways, events, streams and much more!
Were also looking for more staff so join the server and create a ticket if you want to apply!
Our server is a server for everyone, if you like anime, gaming, other shit, we have it. Looking for active members who can help grow this serve, we have a special role for the person who is the most active in 1 week. We also hold a bunch of dank memer currency give aways, and we hold holiday events like xmas events, easter events ect. So join ip or imma track you down and beat yo tiny little butt.
We are just a bunch of homies that like playing all types of games. We are both chill and competitive people, and would love to see you join us!
Also if you are a small content creator than we would love to support you!!
Thanks for giving us a shot!