Welcome to [JP]L4DFT SERVER. The server is located in Japan, and the main language is English.
We are currently running a COOP-16 server. Enjoy the best HARDCORE COOP server.

In addition to L4D2, you can use bot games, music, radio, etc. in Discord. Please feel free to join us.

>Note: If you leave the server within 24 hours of joining the server, you will be permanently server banned.<

GAME: Left 4 Dead 2
GROUP: Left 4 Dead Family Team

Server Owner: miku_whitetill
Group Leader: _nameless33_
Left 4 Dead Family Team Server - 2025

About Server

Welcome to [JP]L4DFT SERVER. The server is located in Japan, and the main language is English.
We are currently running a COOP-16 server. Enjoy the best HARDCORE COOP server.

In addition to L4D2, you can use bot games, music, radio, etc. in Discord. Please feel free to join us.

>Note: If you leave the server within 24 hours of joining the server, you will be permanently server banned.<

GAME: Left 4 Dead 2
GROUP: Left 4 Dead Family Team

Server Owner: miku_whitetill
Group Leader: _nameless33_
Left 4 Dead Family Team Server - 2025

Recent Posts

Resume Permanently Banned Rule

"If you leave the server within 24 hours of joining the server, you will be permanently banned from joining the server." So please don't go in and out of the server unnecessarily.


Kicked all users in the Inactive User state from the server. And I made it impossible to join the server again for 24 hours.(24 hours banned)

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