Nuevo server argentino y de fanes de las creaciones de the behemoth, tales como:
Castle Crashers
Alien Hominid
Pit People
Batleblock Theater
Etc etc etc, contamos con un bot de matchmaking personal ojo ahi :)
unetenos porfa
Venite a charlar, a jugar al lol, al csgo, al
rocket league, a lo que te pinte gordo.
- Bajas de peso
- Te van a dar bola las wachas
- Menos olor a culo
This server is an upcoming blade ball league and we are trying to become the top league. We want to be a top league so we try our best to climb to the top. WIth tons of options we try to make it best for our comminity
This server is all about a racing league where you can get jobs and race in giants events all around your favourite circuits. We will hopefully start again on F1 23. Anyway please join as it will be fun and it will mean a lot to me