18+ mental health server for those who don't belong, the depressed, isolated, nervous, forlorn, lonesome, clinically miserable, invalids, interlopers, debilitated loners, rejects, freakish geeks, misfits/, the wretched, outsiders, marginalized/unwell, depressive realists, and the dregs of society.?
Bem-vindos ao nosso servidor no Discord, um lugar onde pessoas que têm dificuldade de dormir podem se encontrar e fazer novas amizades. Aqui, nosso objetivo é proporcionar um ambiente seguro e acolhedor para aqueles que gostariam de dormir com alguém por call enquanto conversam e fazem novos amigos.
Bonjour nous sommes un serveur discord chill et relax avec de grands projets derniers, Vennes Chill dans les vocs
- On fera de l'hébergement en touts sorti
- On veut crée notre protocole réseau
- On cherche des jeux et talentueux développeur
- On recrute du staff sur discord
- Une Possibilité De salon cacher avec des contenus intéresse
Welcome to equally loved!
We are a community that loves and supports the differences in people, and we hope that you would like to be a part of that ?? We might not be a big community, but don’t make that stop you from joining ??
We have #self-roles and #Color-roles and we have support channels for you to open up or just vent about anything that’s going on in life. We have voice channels and bots for fun and for music.
We’re friendly and welcoming, and we would love to get to know you and have you in the server as a part of this small community. So please join if you think this server might be something for you, remember. You can always leave if you don't like it, but you should definitely give it a go before you decide, thanks ???
A ideia principal do servidor foi fazer com que as pessoas tenham um lugar para desabafar , e tirarem muito do peso que carregam dos problemas - Tendo uma comunidade acolhedora e que realmente se importe com os problemas que cada um tem.