‹? # EXTIRPATION┊Undead Apocalypse is a zombie apocalypse roleplay that takes place in Washington D.C, USA, 2005 !! Please note that this is not a +18 roleplay, we do not allow explicit sexual content in here. Although, we do allow gorey texts, due to the theme of the roleplay. Gore media is not allowed, though, only texts !!
‹? # You can have as many characters as you want, there's no limit, though the reccomended limit is 4!
‹? # The creators can help you with anything, even making the character, we have a lot of creativity !! You can give ideas of what to do in the RP, too, and you can vote. You can also agree with somebody to do things with them too, like future friendships, couples, future romance scenes, and more.
‹? # There are three orientation channels for the members, the requirements, the rules and info. It's all very organized, with everything you need to know there! The roleplays are made with the help of the bot Tupperbox, and i