Hi, welcome!
We are a server created so you can find people to study 1-on-1 with . :)
You can check out our #find-a-study-partner section to post an ad so you can find people to do 25 min and 50 min poms, etc with. Or just to find people to hold each other accountable.
Join today and enjoy!
Welcome to the r/ActualHippies Discord server!
The server for the modern counterculture and all things hippie; Beautiful music & art, fashion, hippie culture, spirituality, self-discovery, hallucinogens, psychedelia, peace, love, etc. An oasis of positivity.
Price-> $80
Content worth over -> $50,000+
Price -> $80
Content worth over -> $50,000+
If you buy all these seperatly it will cost $130, so you are saving $50 aka 40% Off…
What you will receive on purchase:
The Real World
Hustlers University
ALL of Iman Gadzhi's Courses
ALL of Charlie Morgan's Courses
Edited Tate + Money Clips
Tate Courses:
7000 Course Bundle
ALL of Jordon Belfort's Courses
Jordon Peterson - Personality Course
Robert Richards - Onlyfans Agency Course
Crypto Currency Bundle
Stirling Cooper
Note: All Courses in
this server will be
provided through a
service called MEGA
• Can view all courses
online without
• Can download all
courses for free
• Virus Free
Hello everyone! I made this server to gather some evidence from different platforms before it gets deleted or white washed. I will try my best to use this server to raise awareness about the injustices going on around the world; I made this with Palestine in mind but will be growing it as much as I can about other places such as: Syria, Lebanon, Congo, Uyghur, you name it!
So please join and invite as many people as you can who also share the same perspective!
Opportunities For Students is a very active and welcoming community ! We offer the service to find the opportunity suitable for your needs whether it is a competition or hiring. We also feature plenty of verified competitions,hirings,programs,university advice,and study resources and tips! Join today OwO
Tipoloji teoremleri hakkında doğru bilgi alabileceğiniz, kaynak paylaşımı yaptığımız tipoloji sunucusu. Toksik kitle yok. Rahat ve güvenilir bir ortam var. Sen yoksan bir kişi eksiğiz.
Youtube, tiktok ve instagramda aktifiz.
We offer premium tuition for maths/further maths at both GCSE and A-Level. Using our plethora of experienced tutors, we provide an immersive 1-1 tuition experience, providing resources tailored to you and your exam board. We also go through questions on our server and our social media platforms (instagram and tiktok). Join us today, and let's get learning!
This server is about discussing literally everything, it is an attempt to communally describe the entirety of the natural world and all aspects of it. There are dedicated place for discussing different interpretations of science, culture, religion, and philosophy so that anyone can truly discuss anything and have their voice and unique opinions heard.