Discord grubumuzun temel amacı online oyunlarda kendinize birlikte oyun oynayabileceğiniz arkadaş bulmak ve oyunlar içerisinde sesli iletişim kurarak daha sağlıklı oyun oynayabilmektir. Yaş ortalaması 25+ olan topluluğumuzda kurallarımız oldukça katıdır.
Hello! We hope to see you join our discord server and game with us! If you're looking for a safe place for you and your friends, Elite Squadron is the place to be! We have active staff members and active members that play all sorts of video games. Games include Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, and many more.
Hope to see you soon,
Elite Staff
Very friendly community server, filled with great staff that will guide you in the server. Chat with other members, stick to the rules and most importantly, Have Fun!
Established in June of 2017 as a small community, Team Meteor has since developed into a budding esports organization! We compete in Rocket League and Valorant, while seeking to expand into various titles. We also host weekly Rocket League tournaments, while continuing to grow as a thriving gaming community!