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Este servidor foi criador com o intuito de juntas pessoas do mundo geek, sejam fãs de animes,séries,filmes,mangás,etc
aqui vc poderar fazer novos amigos
Hi! We're a local AZ panelist group! We're those ones that run the weird hentai panel.
Tags: anime, manga, weaboo, nsfw, gamer, cosplay, anime conventions, hell yeah, otaku, waifu, we like to think cory in the house was the best anime to date
This is an unfriendly community of friendly people. If you get what I mean.
The rules are simple, bullying bullies who get bullied by bullies so we may or may not bully bullies.
Also, by any means possible, follow the law which governs
A new but friendly community for those who like Japanese style gacha games. Here we have the latest gacha games from Japan, Korea, and China. If you are looking for new games to play or friends to play with, this is the place to come.