? Szia! Be szeretném mutatni neked a Nordic Island szervert!
Miket nyújtunk?
● Saját Bot
● Aktív közösség
● Aktivitás rangok
● Kedves Adminok
● Játék frissítések
● És még sok minden más
Ha felkeltettük érdeklődésedet, csatlakozz!
This bot is a bot that protects your server. Of course, vandalism measures! It also responds to simple greetings. Equipped with convenient functions! The language of this bot is English. However, the usage method is published on the official website so that people from other countries can use it. Please try to introduce it.
/help: Check commands and how to use them.
/bot: You can check bot information.
/boost: You can check the number of times the server has been boosted.
/channel : You can check the number of channels. _________________________________
「s! command」
s!ban ID: You can ban using a user ID.
You can use s!ban:@# @ to ban. _________________________________
「Anti-spam command」
s!on: Turn on anti-spam mode.
s!off: Turn off anti-spam mode.
Official site → https://serversecurity.amebaownd.com/ How to use →https://serversecurah/ Invitation link → https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1111559024589156363&scope=bot%20applications.commands&permission
The official Discord server for Mikal's Level Up Service. Exchange your TF2 or CS:GO keys for card sets, which you can use to level up your Steam account with.
The original Funko Monitoring Group! With all in-house created monitors, this server ha you covered for all things Funko, LEGO, Marvel, Star Wars, Hot Toys, Pokemon, and more! Come join our community and make collecting that much easier.