Step into The Androgynous Corner, where creativity knows no bounds and diversity thrives! Our Discord server is a lively and inclusive haven for creatives and gaymers alike. Whether you're an artist, writer, or avid gamer, you'll find us the best place to go to relax and play games :3
Ak Hilal Pixel Map isimli RPLACE benzeri dünya haritalı bir sitenin içinde kurulmuş olan bir ülkedir. Bu ülke için kurmuş olduğumuz sunucuya gelerek hem siteyi öğrenebilirsiniz hemde ülkemize katılmış olursunuz. İyi eğlenceler!
Join us to help us we will make Armenia great again.We will not just make Armenia great
Sometimes we will do it in the chat. Come on, join us for Armenia
this is an unofficial server for avatar world older avatar world players who wants to talk and share in this form
we can create a channel for you to share everyone about just your stuff!
This server is for Greater Romia in, It is fascist/monarchist and we are a rebellion group of the og Romia, tho we are winning. We have lots of fun, especially in military operations and game nights.