This server is made by revolts, Its based on CODM, in this server you will receive gunsmiths, loudouts,HUD,CPS,Settings and balance changes and much more, we make events for best awards to the top players,
bonjour et bienvenue sur notre serveur d'entraide pour monter en grade en esquade s'entraider sur RS France merci de vous tenir coresctement et on s'amuse
[ENG] VFTMSFS, we are an italian formation team flying in the MSFS with the MB-339 from the Aeronautica Militare <Frecce Tricolori>. You can find our performance videos on youtube. And sometimes we are streaming the flights on twitch. To get in our team click on this link to come in our discord server. We are searching for many pilots. Join us and have fun. ? Trainings are every second saturday at 7pm CET. We are speaking italian and english on our server. Join us to get a member
This server is for Serious Fun! Playing FPS, SimRacing or other games and events where you want to have structured or organized fun without the toxicity. No putting others down, just consummate team or cooperative play! Squad games for PvP or PvE, not heavily skill based.