Welcome to the pub, have a drink and stay a while! This is a 21+ server with only positive vibes and good people. If you're looking for a drama-free experience, look no further!
a server where you can do what you want talk with friends chat with friends search for memes or count with people or get a higher rank than your friends
vineYards je nástupce LUCIDNETWORK! Před banem největší czsk nsfw komunitní discord server.
Nyní je zde nástupce! Základní rozhraní serveru neobsahuje nsfw ale jelikož bychom rádi měli zase monopol na česko slovenské scéně. Po dovršení levelu 10 se vám otevře nsfw místnost.
Neváhej a přidej se k nám!
Come join Obama's Basement(name change pending) and have some fun with its owners and other members of the community. If we get enough people we can have events like game nights, Movie nights and even comedy nights. Please stop by and see if you like it!