Olá! Nós somos os Jogadores Mitos, somos desde profissionais aos que estão começando seu rumo, cada um tem seu rumo. Estamos expandindo para outros games, por enquanto estamos no: Destiny 2, GTA V Online, Roblox, etc. Seja você também, um Jogador Mito!
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You ask Why to join?
⎆Ever Ready Gaming Group
⎆A Well Maintained Server
⎆New Growing Server
⎆Friendly Atmosphere
⎆Active community
⎆Known Famous YouTubers
⎆Bots and Fun Games
⎆Open Promotion
So what are you waiting for? Join Our Gaming Community today!
Join the veno legacy discord, the Veno legacy discord is looking for new members and mods, with voice chat channels and many more
Such as warframe, art, and gaming
7 Samurais is a competitive clan, which is consists of two type of player: Ranked & Aggressive.
We need active and aggressive players for represent Bangladesh Gaming Community.
An MMORPG focused community for fans of the MMOByte YouTube channel or just MMORPG gamers in general. Come find some friends to play your favourite MMORPGs, chat, hang out or just lurk :)
Діскорд сервер ютуб каналу UPD.
Ми - Українська спільнота шанувальників ММОРПГ. У нас на каналі є велика таблиця всіх відомих Українських суспільств/кланів/гільдій, зі всіх можливих Онлайн ігор.
Приєднуйся до нашої корчми і ти зможеш знайти собі компанію для гри, а також завжди будешь в центрі подій.