⚽ Premier Guru ⚽ es un servidor dedicado mas al futbol pero también tiene su apartado de gamnig, un servidor donde tenemos muchas cosas en donde te vas a poder entretener, escucha música, habla con los demás usuarios o participa en eventos y cosas del servidor
¿Qué hay en nuestro servidor?
- Eventos
- Liga de futbol con Soccer Guru
- Predicciones
- Trivias
Y mucho mas que haremos en un futuro en nuestro servidor
"Your Latest Interactive🏈Adult Sports Community!!..."
❖ 🌐Welcoming All Adult Sports Enthusiasts!
❖ ℹWe Are A Major Sports Server That Has A Lot To Offer For The Following:
• ⚾️Major League Baseball
• 🏀National Basketball Association
• 🏈National Collegiate Athletic Association
• 🏈National Football League
• ⛂National Hockey League
* 📣Other Major Sports To Follow Soon!!...
❖ ℹFeatures Include:
• ⏩RSS Feeds/Live Sports Radio Streams Of Varying Sports Topics From News To Live Score Updates!
• ℹTools And Topic Channels To Keep You Informed And Involved!
• 🤖Interactive Bots With Varying Sports Topic Commands
• 😎Interactive Channels To Chill In:
With Chats, Voice, Games And Music. Also, Check Out Our A.I. Bot That Serves Drinks And Food!
• 🤝Open Partnerships With Other Discord Sports Servers!
* 👀And Much More!!...
❖ 🔞Must Be 21 Years Old And Older!
"Join Us Today!!..."
Next up, WWE Extreme Rulesand AEW Fight for the Fallen! Join for great discussions about wrestling, sports, music, video games, politics, life! We are a chill community! We have giveaways, jukebox, trivia, WRESTLING OBSERVER LIVE!
This is a server full of gamblers who were formally in the R/Sportsbook discord but we all got kicked out bc of the evil Mods. Soccer is our main thing but we bet all sports. Please join us
Serveur autour du site Arena.Tennis, réseau social permettant aux joueurs amateurs de jouer des tournois et des défis tennis autour de chez eux. Salons pour parler de l'actualité ATP et WTA.