Bienvenue sur le serveur Discord FRANCE MUSIC ! ??
On y trouve :
? Des salons de discussion pour réagir entre vous sur des sujets inter-communautés ou des musiques qui buzz.
?? Des salons vocaux si vous souhaitez streamer votre création musicale.
? Des radios disponibles 24/24h pour vous faire découvrir des nouveaux artistes géniaux qui méritent leur place !
En attendant la vraie ouverture du serveur donc, rejoignez pour parler entre vous, plus il y aura de gens, et plus nous serons pour discuter !
The Archives is a place for music lovers of all genres to come together and discuss music. There are a couple activities focused on helping people discover new music. The Album of the Month, in which every month an album will be selected at random to promote to the members of our server, along with links to listen to the album and a discussion page to talk about the album. The second activity is the Album Trade, where you will be randomly paired with another user, and you will recommend each other an album. After the pairing and recommendations, you'll have a week to listen to the album and then you will be free to discuss the albums that were recommended. Of course, topics off music are welcome here as well, such as gaming, memes and other fun stuff!
serveur pour partager ses connaissances de la musique metal , partager ses musiques , ses groupes favoris etc ! Le serveur existe depuis le 14 février 2018
Le premier serveur Discord exclusivement francophone consacré à la guitare ! Guitare France a pour but de réunir une communauté francophone d'utilisateurs Discord partageant un intérêt pour la guitare.
A new community designed to share the love of music and the medium of the album with each other. Come join and share your music, review music and learn with all of us about hidden gems!
Welcome to the Cate Tomlinson server! We’re thrilled to have you here. Dive into discussions, share your thoughts, and let’s make this a vibrant community together. Enjoy your stay!
Server for discussing and sharing music. All genres of music are welcome, and we have a welcoming community knowledgeable in all sorts of them.
We also do weekly "listening parties". Members of the server choose an album they'd like to share with others, and we all listen to the album together.
Hello! Welcome to our server for sharing music!
We encourage listening to a wide variety of genres and trying new things. We have channels for Album of the Day, Featured Artists, and Song Shoutouts! This server also has channels for artists themselves to promote their own work!
We promote healthy discussion of our favorite tunes, with an emphasis on keeping it lighthearted and respectful!
Si la musique est ta passion, l'impro, le jazz, il y aura ici, des infos, des videos, des partitions .
Diriger par Johan Renard
If music is your passion, improvisation, jazz, there will be here, infos, videos, scores.
Directed by Johan Renard