Das HardShip ist ein Selbsthilfe-Chat. Hier kannst du dich mit Anderen Betroffenen über jede Art von Problemen und Sorgen austauschen oder dich von ihnen ablenken. Auch finden gelegentliche Spiele- oder Filmabende statt und Ähnliches.
Bei uns kannst du dich darauf verlassen, dass deine privaten Sorgen nicht auf Ewig im Verlauf erhalten bleiben, da dieser in einigen Channels automatisch gelöscht wird.
Es wird darauf geachtet, dass niemand ausgeschlossen wird, dass wichtige Regeln eingehalten werden und somit friedliche Stimmung herrscht und dass Trolle möglichst schnell vom Server gebannt werden.
Es ist uns wichtig, unter vertrauenswürdigen Menschen in Recht kleinem Kreise tiefere Gespräche führen zu können.
Freundliche neue Mitglieder sind sehr willkommen und herzlich eingeladen, ein Teil der Gruppe zu werden! :)
Falls es Probleme beim Joinen gibt:
Einladungslink: https://discord.gg/CgZ96sE
Einladungs-Code: CgZ96sE
A comfortable, relaxing place for all! Be able to relax and talk among your fellow peers. Have unlimited cuddles, new friends, tender moments, and a support group for anyone who is feeling down. Press F1 and get started!
We cycle through various topics together as a community and have each other's back when things go hard with life. If you have any issues, please let us know! You are worth every second!
Friendly self-help and support server.
A fully staffed support team, regular events and accountability programs.
Useful for anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, bpd, or any other mental illness and depressive episodes.
We are an English only, emotional support server that focused on working together as a community to reach goals and recover. We are dedicated to providing assistance related to all aspects of mental health, while walking The Road to Recovery.
I made this server to create a community to support each other through our toughest times. Depression based illnesses,eating disorders,personality disorders, and other disorders included. Join if you would like to be a part of our community
18+ mental health server for those who don't belong, the depressed, isolated, nervous, forlorn, lonesome, clinically miserable, invalids, interlopers, debilitated loners, rejects, freakish geeks, misfits/, the wretched, outsiders, marginalized/unwell, depressive realists, and the dregs of society.?
A community looking for volunteers dedicated to helping people all around the world with thier mental health issues.
Apart from that, you can also meet new people, talk about hobbies and share memes.
We are a community-based and serious server focused on rehabilitating people with depression or suicidal thoughts and giving general advice in any facet of life. Our staff is dedicated to making you the best person you can be. We have events, other channels, and a community to interact with. Anyone can become a counselor, tutor, or advisor. If you wish to help others and become part of our staff, we are the server for you. In addition, our staff receives training, and help to improve your support skills. Thanks for joining Suicide Support 2.0
Welcome to You’re Not Alone! We are a Mental Health support server, and we are welcoming to all types of people. Whether you’re looking for supportive community, a good support network, or want to give support to others you should come check us out!
In YNA we have the many perks of:
-Support, people who are willing to be one on one with you and your issues in one of our support rooms or through DMs
-Support groups, groups based around Gaming, Art, Poems, and many more with individual chat rooms for each!
- A close, welcoming, tight knit community
- An active general chat and people always willing to start a conversation
-Over 2,000+ Member community!
We hope to see you there!