DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Republika e Shqiperisë│PPF Icon
Gaming | Community
The official discord server of the Albanian PixelPlanet faction. Join and fight for the army! https://pixelplanet.fun
Community | eSports
PanamaCPN server is a serevewre for cpn where we place pixels and make the nation of panama it is a very nice server and game
AlbaniaCPN Icon
Art | Design
Kosova është Shqiperi🇦🇱 Join us and support Greater Albania🇦🇱. Discord Server based in CanvasPixel.
AlbaniaPPF Icon
Gaming | Bot
Illyrian official server for PixelPlanet, join it open a ticket make verification and u are in to play with other albanians at ppf
Greater Albania Icon
Gaming | Art
We are a server looking to make Greater Albania in every pixel game, we also welcome everyone to join us in our adventure and hopefully acheive our goal.
Ethnic Albania Icon
Gaming | Community
Official new goverment server of CanvasPixel Albania 🇦🇱 ! Everyone is welcome to join ! Rroftë Shqiperia ! 🇦🇱🦅
Nacional Edis Icon
Entertainment | Hobbies
Help get helped share your edits learn.Have fun in this server!
ArberiaPM Icon
Gaming | Social
Fachist Albania PM (Faction). We are totaly peacefull racist group. We fight for our rights and teritories in the game of Pixmap.fun
Albania PA (PixelAtlas) Icon
Political | Role-Playing
Albania PA (PixelAtlas) enter if you love albania or if you play PixelAtlas. What are you waiting come!
PXU Albania Icon
Community | Gaming
This is the official server for Albania on pixuniverse.fun! Join if you want to help glorious Albania!! 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Albania PixelZones Icon
Art | Community
Albania PixelZones come and help us and envite all of yours friends! (We gonna make albania more stronger every day)
Mbretëria e Shqipërisë | PPF Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to the Albanian Pixelplanet.fun community! We are a highly active and vibrant server with lots of activities every day and week. By placing pixels on a canvas full of different factions and countries, we aim to enrich our patriotic values, keep the traditions alive and protect our fatherland! Come join us in our journey to greatness! Until next time, tung!
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Discord Server Banner
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Gaming | Just Chatting
This Discord was created to play with Albanians and people with energy and laughter and for people who speak English. But more Albanian. So have fun with my discord. EU SERVER. Not all languages ​​are spoken here.
c u r s e d Icon
Community | Entertainment
Albaniaaaannnn maafffiiiaaaaaaaaa toxic friendly server anddd cute kosovo/albanian girls :))
Gaming | Just Chatting
AUTOCHTHONE SERVER SHQIPTAR I FOKUSUAR NE GAMING NE LOJRA TE NDRYSHME NESE DONI TE SHTYNI KOHEN TUAJ ME NJEREZ POZITIV JENI TE MIREPRITUR LE TE KRIJOJM KOMUNITETIN ME TE MADHE SHQIPTAR RULES Rregullat e ketij discordi jane si me poshte dhe sipas rendesise Nuk lejohen absolutisht fjalet banale. Ne rast se konstatoheni duke perdorur fjale banale ne discord do merrni timeout ose ban pas shqyrtimit te rastit. Nuk lejohen personat me foto profili banale. Moderatoret i kemi shume te mire, ndaj ju lutem degjoni kerkesat e tyre ndaj jush.
Greater Albania | PYA Icon
Education | Military
Greater Albania in pixelya trust me join us and help us against our enemys long live Albania!!! Join albania today
AlbPix Icon
Art | Community
Help albania become one of the strongest in balkan! One day we will reach our goal which is to fuclly get balkan! Join up and chat and help albania in pixuniverse.fun!
Albania | PM Icon
Military | Gaming
welcome to the official discord server of albania in pixmap join us to make our army stronger and to become the strongest faction to be alive in pixmap !
Greater Albania pya Icon
Community | Gaming
We are greater albania on pya come help us and be an albanian soldier we are waiting you come GLORY TO ALBANIA
RBE Gaming Icon
Gaming | Social
Join the official RBE Gaming Discord server. Alternative links : ( https://discord.gg/ebB7qV9 ) ( https://discord.gg/rbe )
The Phoenix Icon
LGBT | Community
Are you gay or belonging to the LGBTQ community and from Albania? Well if you are this is a safe space for you. This is a new server but please join and we can work together
smuqpufas lair Icon
Community | Entertainment
Mirë se vini në Smuqpufas Lair! Ne ofrojmë një mjedis të sigurt dhe miqësor me një sistem të fortë verifikimi për të siguruar një përvojë pozitive për të gjithë anëtarët. Me gamën tonë të larmishme të kanaleve, ju mund të angazhoheni lirshëm në diskutime për tema të ndryshme, nga jeta e përditshme deri te spiritualiteti, duke ju lejuar të lidheni me individë me të njëjtin mendim. Ejani bashkohuni me ne dhe bëhuni pjesë e komunitetit më miqësor dhe më gjithëpërfshirës Shqiptar në Discord!
Gaming | Language
Join us and our army 🪖 Game is in pixelplanet.fun in browser I hope you have fun with us Join us now :)
Anime Sekai Icon
Anime | Community | Gaming
Laid back 16+ Anime, Manga, & Novels Server! Everyone is welcome so feel free to drop by and say hello!
Anime Sekai Discord Server Banner
Anime Sekai Icon
Anime | Community | Gaming
Laid back 16+ Anime, Manga, & Novels Server! Everyone is welcome so feel free to drop by and say hello!
Illyrians Icon
Community | Military
Server based on the history of albania, an archive of it, also a community where u can chat talk about history etc, everyone is welcomed except black ppl
UAC Icon
Gaming | Community
UAC server we can place pixels and conquer lands all over the world our color is in a dark pink type and here is the server we can have fun.
Albania globalpixel Icon
Community | Gaming
Come and help us defeat enemies. People that are albanian should join this server. Help us now globalpixel
T-B-A Icon
Emoji | Memes
/Albanian chill and fun community /active users / Very toxic /active chat /Albania kosovo /join /𝓣𝓗𝓔-𝓑𝓛𝓞𝓞𝓓𝓨-𝓐𝓛𝓑𝓞𝓩𝓩 Is an Albanian chill and hang out server join and have fun
albania canvaspixel Icon
albania canvaspixel we will love if you join us but no serbi cus they will broke are plans so love from albania
albaniapm Icon
Gaming | Community
a albaina game name pixmap is fun and all the albaina must help to fight for are country so feel free to join
Ngurrza PPF Icon
Gaming | Social
The official server of Ngurrza PPF or UKN. Pixelplanet Server. United Kingdom of Ngurrza (since 7March2022 - and on)
@lunic Icon
Just Chatting | Community
﹒@lunic ﹒albanian server ﹒social ﹒s/toxic ﹒inv + boost ﹒events ﹒active for roles ﹒vc + drama ﹒join us today
KE DAJA(shqip) Icon
Community | Gaming
Ke daja eshte nje server shqiptar vetem per muhabet (chill chat) jeni te gjithe te mirpritur pasi do kemi dhe evente te ndrryshme ne loja te ndrryshme qe ju kerkoni si fifa,pubg etj por kryesorja osht vetem per chill dhe muhabete dallavere dhe muzik live