Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Procedural Scratching Post Icon
Furry | Technology
A cat, a raccoon, and a lucario decided to make a server together. None of them know what they're doing
Brigade anti-fachos Icon
Community | LGBT
Bienvenue dans la brigade anti-fachos. Si t'en as marre de la propagande d'extrême droite sur internet, des militants de reconquête, des rallies de fachos et des droitardises en général, ce serveur est fait pour toi, si tu veux que ca s'arrête engage-toi dans notre brigade !
International Solidarity Front Icon
Political | Community
The International Solidarity People's Front is a social media community that seeks to build a community for Westerners of Conscience and for Western World Dissidents. We seek to build a left-unity Anti-Trump Opposition on Discord. We support LGBTQIAP+ rights, BIPOC rights, Otherkin rights, Therian rights, Divinekin rights, Starseed rights, Plural/System rights, Endogenic rights, and so on. We also support Solarpunk Movement and Lunarpunk Movement. We also support Sovereign Proletariat Movement. Free Palestine, from the river to the sea. Free Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals. Free Americas, from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Free Eufrasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Free Planet Earth, from the North Pole to the South Pole.
Political | Community
We are the "Association of Western World Anti-Fascists" Or the AWWAF. We have one goal, and that goal is to keep fascism (mainly Liberal Fascism, Neoliberal Fascism, and Capitalistic Fascism) out of Western World and assist Antifa groups all over the world. We organize online and real world protests. We also help groups all over the world find there people in an ever changing world. We also wish to unionize every antifa splinter cell in the Western World and create one massive movement. With Fascism on the rise it is important we act now to secure the future of the free world. Are you ready to fight for your people, for your families, and for your future? If you said yes to any of these questions, well welcome to the AWWAF.
Activist Network Icon
Community | Political
Anarchist, Communist, Leftist, Antifa, Anti-Fascist, BLM, Activism.
Anti-Malarkistische Aktion Icon
Community | Memes
I have one of the great servers of all time. -One rule: DON'T BE A DICK; this is pretty simple, just DON'T BE A DICK -You can choose your pronouns with a command (-role [pronoun]) -Plenty of bots and roles -One Anarcho-Monarch to rule them all -Legions of loyal and just Admins (Grand Legions) and Mods (Legionaries) -The Anarcho-Monarch can do whatever he wants, but he has a light hand -When the Anarcho-Monarch dies he gets replaced in a popular election
AntiFa & Diskurs Icon
"Antifa & Diskurs" Ein Ort für respektvollen Austausch und offene Diskussionen. Wir fördern Vielfalt an Meinungen, setzen klare Grenzen gegen menschenrechtsverletzende Inhalte und schaffen Raum für kritisches Denken. Gemeinsam für Transparenz und Dialog!