Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a vibrant and engaging Discord community where active members are rewarded! Chat, participate in events, and compete for a chance to win FREE Discord Nitro every month. The top 2 most talkative members are crowned winners, and we host fun games, giveaways, and exciting events to k
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a vibrant and engaging Discord community where active members are rewarded! Chat, participate in events, and compete for a chance to win FREE Discord Nitro every month. The top 2 most talkative members are crowned winners, and we host fun games, giveaways, and exciting events to k
Fosse Esports Icon
eSports | Sports
Fosse Esports is a server with the goal of gathering the south east Asian Fifa community. What you can find in Fosse Esports - Many Owners of teams looking for new players - A place to find others to talk and play EA FC with - Leagues and Tournaments based in SE-Asia with prize funds Our goal is to make Asian pro clubs and EAFC as popular and supported as possible, this all can start with you. Join us today to make EA FC in Asia a better and more competitive place.