DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
BattleBit Remastered: Romania Icon
Gaming | Community
Server de Discord dedicat comunitatii de BattleBit Remastered din Romania https://discord.gg/Rhzr8tbD6K
Clancea Icon
Gaming | eSports
Comunidad Española de juegos Online. GTAV, 7 days to die, BattleBit, y otros juegos multijugador online.
LowLatency Icon
Gaming | Community
Battlebit community server delivering a true Sniper Only Gameplaye with a tons of weapons and attachments!
BattleBit Remastered Community Icon
Gaming | Community
The Discord server for players who enjoy playing the game BattleBit Remastered and hanging out alongside it.
BattleBit Events Icon
Gaming | eSports
O A S I S is an Esports tournament organizer with the mission of creating and hosting professional tournaments for BattleBit Remastered. These events will bring clans together in squad sizes on community servers. - North America & Europe - Hosting 8v8, 16v16 and 32v32 events. (Larger events in the near future). - Events will be live-streamed on Twitch - Future sponsored prize pools https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/13ogdpa/battlebit_events/
Battlebit Hispano Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Servidor de BattleBit Hispano ( ESP / LATAM ) en el cual puedes encontrar / jugar con muchas más personas que hablen tu idioma, en este caso el Español.
Battlebit Remastered Español Icon
Gaming | Community
¡Bienvenido a la comunidad hispana de BattleBit Remastered! Este servidor de Discord está dedicado a reunir a los jugadores hispanos de este emocionante FPS. Únete a nuestra comunidad en constante crecimiento y descubre la emoción de sumergirte en un mundo de gráficos low-poly y acción frenética.
BattleBit: DE/ENG Community Icon
Gaming | Social
We are a community server for the game BattleBit: Remastered. On this server you can search for squads/players and talk about the game as well as share your videos and screenshots. Become part of a new and growing community!
Band of BattleBits Icon
Gaming | Military
Battlebit Remastered Community of Casual, and Hardcore players from all over the world! We are constantly looking for new people to casually play with, RP, or just chat about the game! If you are new to battlebits, or are already an experienced player, join our server for quality people to queue with!
Shadow Wolves BattleBit Icon
Gaming | Community
A BattleBit Remastered clan server however everyone is welcome! No minimum K/D requirement etc, we are here to have fun!
The Rambling Boys Icon
Gaming | Community
Hey! We are a community supporting the Rambling of the Boys. We are in favor of laughs, and goofs and we will not stand down from that. We also have a battlebit clan :)
BattleBit Brasil Icon
Gaming | Community
Maior servidor Discord dedicado ao público Brasileiro de BattleBit Remastered. Venha logo conhecer!! https://discord.gg/y4ZxmMKFBA
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Discord Server Banner
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
BattleBit France Icon
Gaming | Military
Bienvenue sur le Serveur Discord de la Communauté Française de BattleBit ! Rejoignez notre communauté vibrante de joueurs dévoués et partagez votre passion pour ce jeu de tir en ligne palpitant. Que vous soyez un vétéran aguerri ou un nouvel arrivant, notre serveur est l'endroit idéal pour discuter, apprendre, et se connecter avec d'autres joueurs francophones. Ce que nous offrons : - Salons vocaux : Organisez des sessions de jeu en équipe avec vos amis et collaborez en temps réel grâce à nos salons vocaux. - Une communauté soudée : Rencontrez des joueurs partageant les mêmes intérêts, formez des équipes compétitives, et forgez des amitiés durables. - Entraide et conseils : Trouvez des coéquipiers, obtenez des conseils de jeu, et partagez vos stratégies pour devenir un maître tacticien sur le champ de bataille. ❤️Rejoignez-nous aujourd'hui et faites partie de la meilleure communauté francophone de BattleBit Remastered. ❤️
BattleBit Playzone CZ/SK Icon
Gaming | Community
Ahoj, Jsme Československý Battlebit server. U nás se můžeš těšit na skvělé zacházení, fajn partu, nadšence do hry, začátečníky i pokročilé a společné organizované hraní. Tak na co ještě čekáš!!! @Flextape CEO of Battlebit Playzone
BattleBit Deutschland Icon
Community | Gaming
Hey, vielleicht hast du es schon bemerkt, ich habe es in die Hand genommen einen Deutschen Discord Server für die BattleBit Community zu erstellen, demnach bist du herzlich eingeladen.
[OLEG] PAYDAY 3 Community Icon
Gaming | Community
OLEG is a Gaming Community. We provide 3 bf4 servers. Metro, Rush, Locker and CQL. We are very active and very excited to get to meet you. Join us we are very active and very excited to get to meet you!
battlebit turkish clan Icon
Community | Gaming
Oyunu en ön safhalarda bizimle beraber oynayacak eğlenecek ve tadını çıkaracak dostlar arıyoruz. aynı zamanda Türk topluluğuna katkı da bulunmak ve Türk klanlarının adının duyulması ve etkinliğinin artması için sizi de aramızda görmek isteriz. Oyundan daha fazla zevk almak ve beraber savaş hissini yaşamak adına ön cephelerde omuz omuza savaşmak bizim işimiz. Omzumu yaslayacağımız klan arkadaşları arıyoruz. Hazırsan başlıyoruz... klan alımı için herhangi bir level gereksinimi yoktur. saygılı dürüst eğlenmesine bakan takım arkadaşları arıyoruz. aktiflik ve katılım bizim için önemlidir. Türk battlebit severleri klanımıza bekleriz.
Special Wings Forces | BattleBit Icon
Gaming | Military
WELCOME TO SPECIAL WINGS FORCES! The Special Wings Forces are the only fictional fraction within the game BattleBit. SWF offers many diverse and unique regiments ensuring that all members who are willing to enlist will find something to their liking! We are very community-oriented, supporting each other through every struggle, introducing an atmosphere like none other- one where you'll be recognized for your achievements. Your choices are endless and your journey prosperous if you're willing to stick with us! From the Vanguard to the mighty special units and from the assault to the rangers; you're sure to find a home here that fits you perfectly!
[RS] Rogue Soldiers Clan Icon
Gaming | eSports
Founded in 2021, [RS] Rogue Soldiers is an online gaming community primarily located in North America with some members in South America, and Europe. We are a group of online gaming friends who wanted to expand their community and provide a place for gamers of all genres and platforms to meet. Our goal is to eventually have a large enough player base to rent at least one server per popular game to bring you the best experiences possible! Most of our members are located in North America, but we have members in South America, and Europe as well! Most of our players are PC oriented, but since we are true gamers quite a bit of us own multiple systems. We even play cross-platform games such as COD, Halo: Infinite, and use server side plugins on our Minecraft server to make it cross-platform capable! Just join our Discord to learn more about our cross-play games. Open door policy with an active staff. Easily create a support ticket in our Discord and staff will reach out to you asap.