Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a vibrant and engaging Discord community where active members are rewarded! Chat, participate in events, and compete for a chance to win FREE Discord Nitro every month. The top 2 most talkative members are crowned winners, and we host fun games, giveaways, and exciting events to k
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a vibrant and engaging Discord community where active members are rewarded! Chat, participate in events, and compete for a chance to win FREE Discord Nitro every month. The top 2 most talkative members are crowned winners, and we host fun games, giveaways, and exciting events to k
Black Mesa: SourceCoop Icon
Gaming | Community
Extra Project feel free to donate via Paypal to keep this server alive!
Blλck Mesa : UC Icon
Role-Playing | Community
A roleplay server based around the Black Mesa Research Facility before the resonance cascade took place.
Half-Life Icon
Gaming | Community
An active, organized community for Half-Life, Valve, and all of their respective products!
Black Mesa Research Facility Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello, and welcome to the Black Mesa Discord Server! We are a chill server so you can come to talk and relax. We have a community-centered management team and great people. We look forward to having you! Some extra things you might wanna know before you join us!: -you will be asked 3 questions that you can get right or wrong, get enough right and you will be hired, there are also 3 other questions that are neither right or wrong. -we are centered in The United States, keep that in mind. -there is political humor in our server, keep that in mind. -We are funny, keep that in mind. -You can post memes in general, keep that in mind.